The Fire is now the Sun

its getting cold now, freezing some.

some plants are so resilient even after a couple hard frosts

like nettles and comfrey and echinacea

chickweed and dandelion


its seems, as one inhabiting this temperate climate, that the natural push of the summer,

and pull to stillness in the winter

is the most natural thing in the world.

my animal body knows it.

I’m so grateful that I can be led in life by the seasons rather than the full time all the time work away from home reality -

(i’ve worked hard for this -it matters a lot to me)


i like to say that, like a plant, i go dormant for the winter and truly for me, winters are very much like that. I love to dream and write and listen and cook and drink tea and explore the woods and imagine the season to come.

and now

the Sun,

who reigned all summer long so powerfully,

is now low on the horizon

and so on has gone the wood fire -

sweet lil’ sun in it is (in a way) too.

i love the radiant heat of the wood stove, and fire gazing in the dark of an early morning, and how it warms my tea and simmers our soups and other pots of things.

Once it snows we’ll be glad there are lots of dried herbs at the ready to remind us of the miracle of the plant world and get the good nourishment they provide when we need it the most.

so snuggle in, tend yourself like you would a garden, and give yourself a little break to rest and restore and soak up a slower, dreamier pace.

and dream some new dreams for a the new world we all need so much…

that’s my dream ..


intention springs


Slowly the days darken once more